Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blackberry Holiday Outages

Reaserch in Motion (RIM) just can't seem to catch a break. Just five short days after the BlackBerry Internet Service went down for several hours, North and South American users found themselves again without e-mail. This time, the outage lasted for nearly eight hours and, according to some reports, even caused problems for some European and Asian customers.

In a statement e-mailed to some users and news services, RIM said that "based on preliminary analysis, it currently appears that the issue stemmed from a flaw in two recently released versions of BlackBerry Messenger." RIM has issued a fix for the versions believed to have caused the issue -- and -- but the company was careful to explain it was still investigating the root cause.

RIM apologized for the inconvenience, but refused to comment further, leaving plenty of questions unanswered. For one, with outages becoming more and more frequent (Is this the third or fourth in the last two months?), does the company have an actionable plan to prevent future disruptions? Are the recent spate of outages connected in any way? And how does it plan to stave off pressure from Apple and Google when it can't even keep its mobile e-mail service (its supposed strong suit) up and running?

For more information visit RIM, PC World,, Wall Street Journal, or PC Magazine.

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